Effective January 1, 2019:
- Revised Test Specifications for NARM exam, read more
- Fee Increase, read more
- NRP policy change, read more
Effective December 31, 2019:
- Experienced Midwife Route Ends, read more
No Changes to Entry-Level PEP!
The Entry-Level Portfolio Evaluation Process (PEP) is not going away! Read more here.
Big Thank You to:
- the CPMs who participated in Item Writing (aka test question writing) and Set the Passing Score workshops for sharing your voice and helping develop our exam,
- the CPMs who become Registered Preceptors for your help growing our profession,
- the CPMs who Recertified this year for your renewed commitment to serving families in the future which strengthens our midwifery community, and
- to the soon-to-be-CPMs, our students, who continue on their midwifery education journey…we appreciate you, for you are our future!
Wishing you all a Healthy and Happy Holiday Season!
eBlast emailed December 11, 2018