NARM requires that CPMs provide an informed disclosure to all of their clients at the onset of care.

Components of Informed Disclosure for Midwifery Care

NARM requires the Certified Professional Midwife to have written statements of Informed Disclosure for Midwifery Care on file for each client. Informed disclosure forms should be written in language understandable to the client and there must be a place on each form for the client to attest that she understands the content by signing her full name. The signed forms should be maintained in the client’s chart. The form titles should include “Informed Disclosure for Midwifery Care,” and must include, at a minimum, the following:

  1. A description of the midwife’s education, training, and experience in midwifery. In group practices, the Informed Disclosure should describe the different provider types the client will see during their care. Information relating to the individual provider’s education, training, and experience in midwifery should be included in the Informed Disclosure Document, or the document should state where the client can find this information on the practice’s website;
  2. The midwife’s or group practice’s philosophy of practice;
  3. A statement regarding the availability of Practice Guidelines upon the client’s request. Practice Guidelines should include antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum conditions requiring consultation, transfer of care and transport to a hospital;
  4. A medical consultation, transfer, and transport plan;
  5. The services provided to the client by the midwife;
  6. The practice provider’s current credentials and legal status;
  7. Whether the practice has student midwives, including a statement that all care provided by student midwives is directly supervised by a NARM Registered Preceptor. The client should have the option to decline student participation in their care;
  8. NARM Accountability Process (including Community Peer Review, Complaint Review, Grievance Mechanism and how to file a complaint with NARM and applicable licensing board for the practice’s providers and facility); and
  9. HIPAA Privacy and Security Disclosures.

Note: definitions of many of the terms above can be found in the Glossary of the CIB.