Starting September 1, 2021
NARM’s New Testing Company!
The NARM examination will be administered by a new testing company starting September 1, 2021. NARM is working to make this transition as seamless as possible to ensure there are no interruptions in testing or credentialing.
Starting January 1, 2022
Cultural Awareness Policy
Currently, NARM requires all initial Certifications to include a course on Cultural Awareness. As of January 1, 2022, all Recertification and Preceptor applications will also need to include a workshop, module, or course on Cultural Awareness every three years as part of the application for Recertification. A newly expanded list of Cultural Awareness course is available at
Category 2 CEU Policy
As of January 1, 2022, the maximum number of CEUs accepted in Category 2 (unaccredited hours) will revert back to 10. Category 2 CEUs are classes or coursework in the field of midwifery, women’s health, or the evaluation and care of the newborn without accredited CEUs. For more information go to
Have you registered with Certemy?
Certemy is the new online portal to process Certification, Recertification, and Preceptor applications. In December 2020, NARM sent an email with information on how to log in to the Certemy portal. If you no longer have the link or you need assistance, please email
REMINDER: All COVID Extensions Expired June 1, 2021
eBlast emailed August 30, 2021