NARM Announces New Testing Company!

The NARM Examination has been administered via Computer Based Testing since June 2014. NARM contracted with PROV to access their testing site centers as well as administer the exam via Live Remote Proctoring. Although our partnership has been mutually beneficial for many years, the time has come to begin a new chapter in Computer Based Testing.

Starting September 1, 2021, the NARM examination will be administered by a new testing company. The new company offers many of the same services as PROV such as local test centers and live remote proctoring, but there will also be some necessary and positive changes.

NARM is working to make this transition as seamless as possible to ensure there are no interruptions in testing or credentialling. PROV will continue to administer the NARM examination until September 1, 2021.

What’s New?

REMINDER: All COVID Extensions Expired June 1, 2021!

eBlast emailed June 7, 2021

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