As NARM’s 25th anniversary comes to a close,
we would like to take a moment to look back at 2019!

March: NARM Item Writing workshop (i.e. writing test questions for the NARM exam) in Blue Springs, MO
June: NARM Item Writing workshop in Oakland, CA
August: NARM and MANA DOR have partnered with GOLD Learning to present a webinar on Evidence-Informed Practice presented by Courtney Everson, PhD. The three-part series has been approved by the Midwifery Education Accreditation Council (MEAC) for 3 Continuing Education Units.  Go to GOLD Learning for more information.

October: NARM launched an updated Preceptor Resource List to improve Preceptor-Student relationships.

November: Marked the 25th anniversary of the first CPM credential issued. Read more about our celebration here.

December: The Experienced Midwife Route Ends December 31, 2019. For more information, read here.

Congratulations to Kentucky & Hawaii!

This year, we are pleased to announce that two states passed legislation to regulate CPMs! Kentucky became the 33rd state, and Hawaii is the 34th state to regulate midwives.

These are wins not only for the midwives ability to practice, but more importantly for families’ access to midwifery care. Several states have been working on CPM legislation, and we hope to be able to announce many more in 2020.

If you are curious when your state passed legislation, go to The Big Push for Midwives.

Wishing you all a Healthy and Happy Holiday Season!

eBlast emailed December 23, 2019