NARM Informed Disclosure for Midwifery Care Update

NARM requires the Certified Professional Midwife to have written statements of Informed Disclosure for Midwifery Care on file for each client. In group practices, the Informed Disclosure should describe the different provider types the client will see during their care. Information relating to the individual provider’s education, training, and experience in midwifery should be included in the Informed Disclosure Document, or the document should state where the client can find this information on the practice’s website.

When midwives work in group practices, any and all midwives who participate in care must be listed in the Informed Disclosure.

The updated requirements for Informed Disclosure for Midwifery Care is available here.

NARM Registered Preceptor Policy Survey

Currently, NARM Registered Preceptors are required to have a minimum of ten Continuity of Care births post credentialling. It has come to our attention that CPMs who work in group midwifery practices or birth centers may not be able to meet this requirement.

In recognition of the changes in midwifery practice, NARM proposes reducing barriers for preceptor registration by eliminating the Continuity of Care requirement for NARM Registered Preceptors beyond entry-level CPM requirements. All other requirements would still need to be met. This proposed policy change would not affect student requirements.

Continuity of Care: a minimum of five prenatals spanning at least two trimesters, the birth, including the placenta, the newborn exam, and at least two postpartum visits. Transports are not accepted for Continuity of Care births.

NARM acknowledges this proposed change in policy has the benefit of increasing opportunities for CPMs to serve as preceptors and students’ ability to get clinical training, but some CPMs may have concerns. NARM requests your input!

Please complete this survey to weigh in on this proposed policy change. This survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete. Survey closes April 30, 2024.

PEP Phase 3 and Phase 4 are Merging!

Starting January 1, 2025, PEP Phase 4 will be eliminated. All 25 of the Primary Under Supervision births required to complete the PEP application will need to be submitted with Phase 3 starting in 2025.

Phase 4 was created during a time when the NARM Examination was only offered three times each year. With the introduction of year-round computer-based testing, there is no longer a need to offer testing prior to completion of all clinical experiences. The merging of Phases 3 and 4 will streamline the workflow for the NARM Applications Department and expedite the process for applicants.

Ask NARM: How do I redeem the recertification credit from completion of the Job Analysis?

  1. Complete the recertification application in the Certemy portal, but do not submit payment.
  2. Send an email to requesting application of $50 credit to recertification fees with subject line “Job Analysis Participation”. Please attach a copy of your confirmation of completion of the job analysis.
  3. You will receive an adjusted invoice via email with payment instructions.
Thank you for participating in the NARM Job Analysis!

Upcoming Events—

Join The MANA Legacy Memorial Celebration!

The Midwives Alliance of North America served to unite midwives for many years. As its presence and purpose in the ever changing midwifery community comes to a close, some midwives have organized a virtual event to mark the end of an era.

Join midwives from the U.S., Mexico, and Canada on Sunday, April 7, 2024 1pm-5pm EDT. Celebrate, Reminisce, and Reconnect online and in spirit with sister midwives from across the miles and throughout the years.

The organizers request that you please register only once, as attendance is limited. This event will be recorded for future viewing. For more information email:

Join The Virtual International Day of the Midwife Conference!

The Virtual International Day of the Midwife (VIDM) is an annual online FREE conference which celebrates the International Day of the Midwife. It is held on or around May 5th each year to be as close to the International Day of the Midwife as possible.

VIDM runs for 24 hours and covers a wide range of subjects with speakers from around the globe. It uses online conferencing software to bring together people who have an interest in childbirth matters – midwives, students, and consumers — all completely free.

The conference was first held in 2009 and was organized by a team of two then working at Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand. By 2020, the organizing committee comprised midwives, midwifery academics, and online education professionals from seven countries across four continents.

Sustainable Midwifery : Caring for Tomorrow’s World is the VIDM 2024 theme.

Sustainable midwifery practices prioritize the well-being of both mother and child while minimizing environmental impact, ensuring a healthier future for generations to come. By caring for the whole person, we reaffirm their right to choose if and when to become pregnant or to continue a pregnancy. By integrating eco-friendly approaches and ethical care, sustainable midwifery embodies a commitment to nurturing not only new life but also the planet we share.

The ancient profession of midwifery must remain sustainable in the contemporary world through innovative practices in education, research, and health policy.

eBlast emailed April 5, 2024

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