Midwifery Certification Exam Statistics

Every year candidates prepare for certification exams after years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. In every industry, some candidates will not pass despite their best efforts, quality of training and lengthy educational preparation. Fortunately, most candidates will pass and go on to pursue their desired career.

Recently, we looked at the NARM Examination statistics for 2022 and, as a matter of curiosity, looked at how we compare to NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) for nurses and AMCB (The American Midwifery Certification Board) for CMs and CNMs. These statistics represent 2022 exam data.

2022 Midwife and Nurse Exam Data

The total exam attempts by each organization are as follows:

NARM 2022:  288 Total Exam Attempts

NCLEX 2022:  321,556 Total Exam Attempts

AMCB 2022:  992 Total Exam Attempts

Note: exam attempts represents the number of discrete exams administered, and it may not correlate to the number of individuals who tested in 2022 (i.e. if a candidate took an exam multiple times in the same calendar year, they will be represented each time they tested in this data set).

Inactive Status Policy Update

NARM recognizes that CPMs may need to take a leave of absence from midwifery for a variety of reasons. We have a mechanism to support those CPMs through the Inactive status process. Recently, we clarified the policy listed on the website so CPMs can understand the benefits, limitations, and fees involved. Read the full policy here.

Some Reminders . . .

NRP Advanced Requirement

With the NRP 8th edition update in 2021, the AAP has created two course pathways for providers (see details highlighted below). NARM acknowledges that some of the advanced skills such as IO administration of newborn medications and Umbilical Vein Catheterization are not essential for CPMs who attend community based births, however we recognize that completion of the NRP Advanced course is important to have a basic understanding of the full AAP NRP algorithm.

  • NRP Advanced is required effective March 1, 2023 for certification or recertification.

NARM will continue to accept unexpired NRP Essentials (plus BLS for Health Care Providers) as meeting the NRP Requirement for certification and recertification applications after March 1, 2023. However, NARM encourages taking NRP Advanced, if available prior to March 1, 2023.

eBlast emailed June 5, 2023

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