NARM is pleased to announce a new software system that will allow you to manage your CPM Recertification online! This system will make it faster and easier for CPMs to renew.
We know that some will prefer the old system…no worries! We will continue to accept paper applications mailed to the Applications office as an option until further notice. But we will have lots of tech support to help CPMs navigate the new system for those who are ready!
What will the new system let you do?
- Start your renewal from our website
- Complete your renewal online, using any phone or computer, 24×7
- Upload and manage your certification files and documents online in a “Digital Wallet”
- Pay your renewal fee online – or upload proof of physical payment
- Receive email reminders that keep you on time and on task so you never forget something
- Receive email alerts when we have reviewed and approved your submissions
- Receive a digital copy of your certificate upon completion
When can you start using the new system?
We currently expect the new system to go live next week. We will let you know if the date changes.
Next Steps
Look out for email 2 of 3 later this week. It will tell you how to log into the system to review your current information and start your renewal when the time comes.
WAIT, what about initial CPM Applications? PEP?
We are working on it! Initial CPM applications are more complicated, and we want to get all the bugs out before we open access to students. We expect that it will be available very soon! Keep checking your email inboxes!
Got questions?
Please email
eBlast emailed December 17, 2020.