Update on Virtual Clinical Experiences
As announced earlier this year, NARM will allow two virtual clinicals to apply to the Continuity of Care clinical requirements for CPM candidates and NARM Preceptor registrants for each Continuity of Care Client: one prenatal in the final trimester and one postpartum done anytime between 24 hours and six weeks post birth.
Guidelines for documentation are available on this website.
NARM has extended this allowance to be in place for clinicals between March 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021.
Extensions or modifications will be at the discretion of the NARM Board of Directors.
NARM CPR and NRP Policy
As of January 1, 2021*, all initial Certification and Recertification applications will need to meet NARM’s pre-COVID NRP and CPR requirements. Many classes have pivoted to a hybrid of online/virtual section plus in-person skills testing to meet COVID-19 guidelines.
These hybrid courses will meet the NARM requirements in addition to traditional fully in-person courses available in some locations.
*Update: Covid-19 exceptions for both Virtual Clinical Experiences and CPR/NRP have been extended to June 1, 2021.
eBlast emailed October 26, 2020
updated November 20, 2020