
NRP Policy Advocacy

Midwives understand the challenges of obtaining NRP instruction in community birth settings, but most are unaware of the potential challenges on the horizon given the current requirements for NRP Instructors.

Currently, new AAP NRP instructors must be “a physician, registered nurse/nurse practitioner, respiratory therapist, or physician assistant with experience in the hospital care of newborns. The NRP instructor candidate must have current maternal-child educational or clinical responsibility within a hospital setting” as a prerequisite to certification. Some current Community Birth NRP instructors were certified before this requirement and can maintain their Instructor status without hospital affiliation. However, if a community-based NRP instructor’s certification lapses there is no mechanism to have it reinstated.

The requirement for hospital affiliation is also a barrier to NRP Instructor Certification for future community based instructors. In addition, there is no Community Birth provider representation on the NRP Steering committee to represent the needs of home and birth center NRP education. Thankfully there are midwives who are working to change that.

In the fall of 2022, AABC, and CABC joined the leadership of NARM to compose a letter to the NRP Steering Committee.  In that letter we addressed several challenges in the implementation of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program in the community birth setting.

The NRP Steering committee response includes some positive steps to addressing needs of midwives, but still falls short of acknowledging CPMs and Community Birth setting needs.

However, we are grateful for the collaboration and advocacy of all of those that offered support and co-signed this letter to AAP. We recognize and express gratitude to the following organizations:

  • American Association of Birth Centers
  • Commission for the Accreditation of Birth Centers
  • American College of Nurse-Midwives
  • National Association of Certified Professional Midwives
  • Birth Center Equity
  • Elephant Circle

NRP Policy Advocacy Documents


Have you completed your NARM 2024 Job Analysis?

The Deadline to complete the NARM Job Analysis is March 4th! You should have received an email from the Professional Testing Corporation (PTC). It has the subject line: “NARM Requests Your Input for Updating the CPM Program.” This email includes the link to complete the 2024 Job Analysis which is the first step in the NARM Exam Development process.

You will receive a $50 voucher to apply toward recertification fees once the survey is closed in March.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

How do I get my $50 credit and CEUs?

Upon completion of the Job Analysis survey, participants will see a screen similar to the one below. After March 4, 2024, The Professional Testing Corporation (PTC) will send participants certificates of completion awarding CEU’s and a $50 voucher to the email address they provided during the survey.

Ask NARM: Can a CNM be my Preceptor?

“Dear NARM,

I am a PEP student in Phase 2. There is a local CNM who is willing to be my preceptor. Can this CNM become my NARM Registered preceptor?

Thank you, Confused Midwifery Student”

A NARM Registered Preceptor is a midwife who meets requirements for supervising CPM candidates and has current, approved registration through NARM. The Registered Preceptor must be credentialed as a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM), Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM), Certified Midwife (CM); or must be a licensed practitioner legally recognized by a state/jurisdiction to provide maternity care. A preceptor must have an additional three years of experience after credentialing or fifty primary/co-primary births beyond entry-level CPM requirements. Additionally, they must also have ten continuity of care births beyond entry-level CPM requirements. A preceptor must have attended a minimum of ten out-of-hospital births in the last three years.

If you are a student who is enrolled in MEAC accredited midwifery program, then you need to discuss this with the administrator of your program. NARM does not set policies regarding approval of preceptors at MEAC accredited programs.

eBlast emailed February 28, 2024

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