As of January 1, 2019, NARM will only accept official American Academy of Pediatrics or Canadian Paediatric Society NRP courses for certification and re-certification purposes.
What if I am enrolled in a neonatal resuscitation alternative course between now and December 31, 2018?
If it was previously approved by NARM, you will be able to use that for certification or recertification purposes until January 1, 2021.
What if my neonatal resuscitation certification expires in January 2019?
You will need to complete an AAP or CPS NRP course if your recertification date is after that date in order to obtain CPM certification or recertification.
Why has NARM changed its policy?
Although the overwhelming majority of midwives enroll in AAP NRP courses, we have implemented this policy to ensure that CPMs have NRP instruction that is consistent and reflects the current national NRP guidelines.
This policy reinforces the validity and rigor of the CPM credential but most importantly ensures that, as midwives, we are best prepared to take care of our smallest clients when they need us most.
eBlast emailed July 31, 2018