Gina Dacosta-Rivera joins the board as a CPM representative. Gina has been a CPM for over three years. She trained as an apprentice in Puerto Rico and then completed her education at Maternidad La Luz in El Paso. Gina has a Bachelor’s degree in Humanities and a Master’s degree in Italian Studies, and she attends home births in Puerto Rico.

Gina Dacosta-Rivera
Lisa Clark

Lisa Clark is NARM’s new Public Member. She is from Huntsville, AL, and is a founding member of the Alabama Birth Coalition. Lisa drafted her first proposed licensure bill for CPMs in Alabama in 1996. She has worked tirelessly toward that goal for many years. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Education and homeschooled her four children.

Many, many thanks to Elan Vital McAllister who served as NARM’s Public Member from 2010 to 2016.

Elan was a founder of Choices in Childbirth in New York, and has served as an advocate for birth options for many years. NARM has appreciated Elan’s many talents during her years on the board and is very grateful for her dedication and commitment to public advocacy in midwifery.
