IMPORTANT: Updates to Out of Country Clinical Site Policies and Approval Requirements – December 20, 2013

NARM will not accept clinicals from OOC sites for PEP applicants after June 1, 2014. Clinicals that occur prior to June 1st in previously approved sites with previously approved preceptors will be accepted regardless of the date the application is submitted. All clinicals on a PEP application that occur after June 1, 2014, will need to have occurred with a qualified preceptor in the US or Canada.  Students in MEAC-accredited programs may continue to attend clinicals in OOC settings if the site and the preceptors are approved by their school.

CPMs who offer services in an OOC setting may claim up to ten hours credit towards recertification requirements for serving at least two weeks in an Out-of-Country clinical setting (see Recertification Application for details).