Please Read the Candidate Information Booklet
The most complete testing information is found in the Candidate Information Booklet (CIB).
CPM Certification
In order to sit for the NARM Examination as part of CPM certification:
- Candidates must submit the appropriate documentation and fees.
- Upon eligibility for testing, candidates will receive instructions for registering for the NARM Examination.
- Candidates will be contacted by the examination company to schedule their testing date at one of the approved testing centers.
- Candidates will receive a Written Examination Admission Letter from the testing company which will include the date, time, and location of their scheduled Written Examination, and directions to the test site.
- The test results letter will be sent as an email from the testing company within three business days of completing the exam.
Candidates Who Are Taking the NARM Examination for State Recognition
If the candidate is from a state with legal recognition planning to take the NARM Examination through the state agency, the following information applies:
- The state agency will determine which candidates are eligible to take the NARM Examination.
- The candidate must send the application form and appropriate fee as instructed by the agency.
- NARM’s testing company will contact the candidate about registering for the exam on the date and site of their choosing.
- The candidate will receive their test results by email from the testing company within three business days.
- NARM will notify the state agency of the test results for each candidate who has registered through their process.
Special Testing Needs
The NARM Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) Certification Program, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), provides testing accommodations for candidates with disabilities. These accommodations are made at no cost to the candidate. Requests for special testing accommodations must be made in writing to the NARM Test Department at the time of application and must contain the following information:
- A letter from the candidate describing the requested accommodation; and
- Documentation of a history of special accommodations for testing, such as letters from schools or testing agencies administering standardized tests indicating the accommodations granted; or
- A report from an appropriate licensed or certified healthcare professional who has made an assessment of the candidate’s disability. The report must describe the tests and other assessment techniques used to evaluate the candidate, provide test results, indicate the test results that were out of normal range, and contain conclusions and recommendations for special accommodations based on those findings.
These documents must be submitted with the application to the NARM Test Department at the time of application with the Written Examination Intent Form. Although every effort will be made to arrange for the accommodation at the candidate’s choice of test sites, this cannot be guaranteed. The candidate may be asked to choose an alternate test site or date based on the ability of the test department to arrange special accommodations.
The NARM Examination is given by computer at approved computer testing labs. If a candidate cannot take an exam by computer for cultural or religious reasons, NARM will make every effort to provide a paper exam at a site convenient to the candidate, but all testing centers may not be able to accommodate this request. The request for paper testing should be made in writing at the time the application is submitted along with a description of the reason computer testing is not allowed.
Examination Site Conduct/Nondisclosure (Test Security)
The Examination Administrator is NARM’s designated agent in maintaining a secure and valid examination administration.
Any individual found by NARM to have engaged in conduct, which compromises or attempts to compromise the integrity of the examination process will be subject to legal action as sanctioned by NARM. Any individual found cheating on any portion of the examinations will have their scores withheld or declared invalid, and their certification may be denied or revoked. Conduct that compromises or attempts to compromise the examination process includes:
- Removal of any examination materials from the examination room
- Reproducing or reconstructing any portion of the NARM Examinations
- Aiding by any means in the reproduction or reconstruction of any portion of the NARM Examination
- Selling, distributing, buying, receiving, or having unauthorized possession of any portion of the NARM Examinations
- Disclosure of any kind or manner of the NARM Examination
- Possession of any book, notes, written or printed materials or data of any kind other than those examination materials distributed by the Examination Administrator during the examination administration
- Conduct that violates the examination process, such as falsifying or misrepresenting education credentials or prerequisite experience required to qualify for CPM Certification
- Impersonating a candidate or having an impersonator take the NARM Examination
Any violation of conduct as listed above will be documented in writing by the Examination Administrator and will be presented to NARM for consideration and action.
Additionally, to protect the validity and defensibility of the examination process for all candidates, each candidate will be required to sign an Affidavit of Nondisclosure prior to taking any portion of the NARM Examination.
Computer Based Testing Considerations
- Computer Based Testing is provided as a convenience to candidates to afford them the opportunity to test on almost any day of the year and at many locations across the country. However, Computer Based Testing also means that computer-related problems can occur. The most common are delays in beginning the examination due to technical problems.
- The NARM Examination appointment schedule includes time for check-in and set up at the test site. Candidates may not begin the examination until all check-in and technical processes involved in the test administration have been completed. This process can on occasion take as long as 30-60 minutes.
- The timed portion of the test administration, the timed period during which candidates actually see and respond to examination questions, is not affected by the amount of time needed for check-in and set-up. Test results, including start time and completion time, are submitted electronically to ProvExam. In the unlikely event of a delay long enough to prevent completion of the examination in a single day, a complaint may be submitted to NARM and Prov for an adjustment in the examination retake requirements.
- A delay in the start of an examination that could have been or was completed the same day is not a basis for an appeal of test results or an adjustment in the examination retake process.
- If there is any situation during testing that causes concern, it is the candidate’s responsibility to bring it to the attention of the proctor at the time and ask that Prov be contacted immediately.
- Cancellation or invalidation of the exam score. A test score can be canceled if:
- There has been a violation of NARM policies,
- Information submitted by the candidate is inaccurate or has been falsified,
- There is evidence suggesting that the test score may not represent a fair or valid assessment of a candidate’s knowledge. (This could happen for any of several reasons including suspected cheating, violation of test center rules, software or equipment malfunction during the test administration, etc.) If NARM determines that a computer malfunction produced an invalid score, the candidate may be asked to retake the exam at no charge.
- If a candidate is using live remote proctoring for taking the exam, both the computer and the secondary camera must sync adequately with the testing company technology. The time allowed for testing includes time that is needed for registration, identity verification, and the syncing of the technology. It is also possible for the internet connection to require a reboot or re-sync during the testing period. The proctor or testing company personnel will walk the candidate through the process. Difficulties with technology may delay the time actually spent answering questions, but the time allowed is generous and should not prevent the candidate from completing the exam. Delays caused by technology do not invalidate the final score. A failing score will require a retest.
Candidate’s Written Examination Scores
- All candidate scores will be reported as pass or fail based on the cut score derived using a modified Angoff method.
- All candidates will receive notification of their preliminary scores by email from ProvExam within three business days.
- Passing candidates will not receive a breakdown of their scores.
- Candidates who fail the exam will receive a more detailed report which highlights their performance on major areas of the examination.
- Official scores will usually be reported by NARM within two to three weeks of the examination date.
- In cases where candidates apply through a licensing agency, the official examination results will also be sent directly to the agency.
- In cases where candidates apply through a MEAC-Accreditated/Pre-Accredited program, the official examination results will also be sent directly to the program.
- Examination scores will NOT be given to any candidate over the phone.
- No credit is given for items with more than one response selected.
- All questions should be answered. There is no extra penalty for wrong answers.
Rescheduling a NARM Examination
Candidates who have scheduled their NARM Examination date with the testing company may cancel with no penalty if the testing company is notified at least four full business days prior to the testing date. Candidates who cancel with less than four business days’ notice or do not show up at their test site on the appointed day, will be assessed a reschedule fee by both NARM and the testing company in order to re-register. A $105 penalty fee must be paid to NARM and must be enclosed with a “reschedule” form available from the NARM Test Department. Upon receipt of reschedule form and fee, the candidate will be reentered into the testing database and will also be required to pay again the $115 testing fee.
Retesting for Failing Candidates
If a CPM candidate fails the NARM Examination, they will receive a Retake Intent Form from the Test Department. The candidate will be allowed to schedule a retest upon payment of a retake fee as outlined in the Fee Schedule. Failing candidates will not be retested using the same form of the examination they were given initially. However, they may be assigned the same examination Administrator. Candidates must wait two months before retaking the NARM Examination and must take the examination again within six months after the two month waiting period.
The Latest in Testing
State/School Testing Information Form
If you wish NARM to send a report of your test scores or certification status to a state licensing agency or to a midwifery school,
Preparing for the NARM Examination
The exam content outline and reference books are available in the Candidate Information Booklet (CIB). The content outline is called the Test Specifications. The best