
Preceptor Resources

NARM Registered Preceptors are a key part of the education of student midwives pursuing the CPM credential. Preceptors help students prepare to be midwives by providing learning opportunities and by helping students process their clinical experiences. Being an effective preceptor can be challenging, so NARM has gathered resources intended to prepare preceptors for this important work.

CEUs are available with some of these resources.

NARM Preceptor/Student Agreements

Effective June 1, 2021, with initial preceptor registration or preceptor renewal, NARM requires that all Registered Preceptors develop a written work agreement that clearly defines expectations for the student, as well as for the Preceptor. NARM has found the most common difficulty in the preceptor/student relationship is typically poor communication about the responsibilities each person has over the course of the apprenticeship. A clearly written agreement is an indispensable resource to both the student and the preceptor if a dispute occurs.

NARM does not directly supervise the preceptor/student relationship. The NARM Preceptor/Student Accountability process is intended to address issues related to integrity, conduct, and the upholding of written and signed preceptor/student work agreements. NARM strongly suggests the student and preceptor adhere to these agreements, including regular review of the student’s progress, and that they address any issues in a timely fashion. If the student or preceptor identify deficiencies but continue to work under conditions contradicting the signed work agreement, NARM reserves the right not to address a related complaint through the accountability process.

There are many variations in preceptor/student relationships, however NARM has compiled a suggested list of topics that should be documented in the student’s work agreement to avoid misunderstandings.

NARM has created a Preceptor/Student Agreement Template as a starting point. You can view the template here. The agreement can also be adapted to fit your practice by downloading and editing this Word document.

All preceptor/student work agreements are required to address the following five essential elements. The specific terms of each agreement should be customized to reflect the circumstances of the practice.

  • Job description for the student and the preceptor
  • Plan for regular reviews and completion of the student’s NARM paperwork
  • Financial compensation plan for the student and preceptor (if applicable)
  • Criteria required by the preceptor to sign off on NARM paperwork
  • Information regarding NARM’s Preceptor/Student Accountability Committee process that will be utilized for complaint resolution if the student and preceptor have a conflict they cannot resolve themselves

NARM Midwifery Preceptor Webinar

The NARM Board, with the assistance of GOLD Learning, created a webinar intended to help preceptors understand their responsibilities and NARM’s expectations for Registered Preceptors. NARM recommends all Registered Preceptors complete the NARM Midwifery Preceptor Webinar.

NARM Registered Preceptor Handbook

All NARM Registered Preceptors are required to read the NARM Registered Preceptor Handbook prior to submitting their preceptor application. This handbook is a valuable reference and includes Quarterly Evaluations, which serve as a useful communication tool for students and preceptors. The evaluations are not required, however they are very strongly recommended.

In addition to the NARM Midwifery Preceptor Webinar and the NARM Registered Preceptor Handbook, NARM has identified other resources preceptors may find helpful:

Academy of Continuing Education

Mercy in Action’s Navigating Ethical Student/Preceptor/Client Relationships

Mercy in Action has created a full online training course with graphics, videos, and resources, Navigating Ethical Student/Preceptor/Client Relationships, focused on creating and maintaining healthy relationships, working dynamics, and clinical environments for students, preceptor midwives, and the families they serve.

The Gift of Precepting

Frontier Nursing University has developed a 6-module course for preceptors, The Gift of Precepting.

One Minute Preceptor

Mentioned in the Frontier’s preceptor’s module is “One Minute Preceptor.” This is a 5 step concept that could benefit the preceptor’s and student’s clinical experience. There are numerous YouTube videos about the concept of One Minute Preceptor. This video, Take 5: One Minute Preceptor, provides an overview of the concept and an example of its application.

Midwife to Midwifery Instructor

This 22-minute long YouTube video outlines distinction between midwife skill set and Instructor skill set, gives tools for clinical instruction vs. academic instruction, reinforces the need for direct supervision and timeliness of signatures, and gives clear and compassionate tools on how to give feedback to students.

Meeting Student Needs: Strategies for Access & Success Across the Student Life Cycle

Hive CE has a webinar an equity in midwifery education webinar approved by MEAC for 1.5 hours of continuing education. This course may be especially beneficial for school administrators.

Developing Skills as a Preceptor

ACNM’s website has audio PowerPoint modules to assist preceptors in their skill development.