

The purpose of recertification is to encourage CPMs to advance and enhance their knowledge and skills and/or to promote continued competence by requiring CPMs to demonstrate current levels of knowledge and skills. Continuing competence is career-long enhancement of knowledge, skill, and abilities required to practice safely and ethically. CPM recertification is a quality assurance mechanism to support midwives in facilitating their continuing competence. Please read the Candidate Information Booklet (CIB) for the latest Recertification information.

A CPM, no matter what route of entry they came through for initial certification, will be considered expired once they have passed their recertification deadline without completing the recertification process or declaring Inactive Status.

Each CPM must complete the Recertification Application and attach all pertinent documentation. Recertification applications may be submitted up to 90 days past the expiration date. (A late fee will apply.)

For purposes of NARM Recertification, NARM uses the term “CEU” to refer to required continuing education, which may be documented in hours or in units. One contact hour is equal to 0.1 units.

Recertification Before Expiration

Mandatory Requirements for NARM Recertification:

  • Peer Review—5 Contact Hours. Participates in Peer Review and/or Attends Peer Review Workshop
  • Current CPR and NRP (read this page for details)
  • A workshop, module, or course on Cultural Awareness.
  • Affirmation of current use of Practice Guidelines, Emergency Care Form, Informed Disclosure (given at initiation of care), and Informed Consent documents (used for shared decision making during care). Read more about these here.
  • Demographic information

Two Options for Recertification Before Expiration:

    • Mandatory Requirements + 25 Contact Hours from a mixture of Categories, or
    • Mandatory Requirements + retaking the NARM Examination


Recertification is now available online using your Certemy portal. This platform allows you to save your continuing education materials as you collect them so they are ready when you are ready to recertify. Payment may also be made through Certemy.

Apply using a Form

If you are unable to use Certemy, fill out and submit this Recertification Application Form.

If you are unable to use Certemy and you wish to pay with a credit card, you will receive an invoice by email with a direct link for credit card payment once your application has been received and logged in.

Recertification After Expiration

A CPM will be considered expired:

  • If they do not recertify or declare Inactive Status by the expiration date, or
  • At the end of three years of Inactive Status.

Should an expired CPM decide to reactivate certification more than 90 days past the expiration date, they will be required to submit evidence of the following:

  • Attendance at five births within five years of reapplication
  • Thirty contact hours in the last three years, including five hours of peer review as defined in the Reactivation packet
  • Current CPR and NRP (read this page for details)
  • Attendance at a cultural awareness workshop

To reactivate from an expired status, the midwife will be required to retake the NARM Examination or submit a copy of their current state midwifery license or AMCB Certification. The NARM Examination will be scheduled after the Recertification after Expiration Form 610 is approved.


Recertification is now available online using the Certemy portal. This platform allows CPMs to save continuing education materials as they collect them so they are ready when it is time to recertify. Payment may also be made through Certemy.

Apply using a Form

If you are unable to use Certemy, fill out and submit this Recertification after Expiration Application Form.

If you are unable to use Certemy and you wish to pay with a credit card, you will receive an invoice by email with a direct link for credit card payment once your application has been received and logged in.