The First Step . . .

. . . in the CPM application process is determining your route of entry. Read the following descriptions of the eligible routes of entry into the CPM credential and pick the one that applies (or will apply) to you.

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Entry Level (PEP) Applicant

NARM’s Portfolio Evaluation Process (PEP) is an educational evaluation process that includes verification of knowledge and skills by qualified preceptors. Completion of this process qualifies applicants to sit for the NARM skills and written examinations.

MEAC Graduate

MEAC accreditation requires that midwifery schools incorporate the Core Competencies adopted by MANA and the clinical experience requirements and essential knowledge and skills identified by NARM.

State Licensed Midwife

U.S. state licensed midwives may apply for certification.


CNMs or CMs certified by the AMCB may apply for certification.

UK Registered Midwife

United Kingdom Registered Midwives may apply for certification.